WaterIQ Technologies
Scientific, sustainable algae and biofilm control
WaterIQ Technologies water treatment solutions control algae and biofilm to help restore water ecosystems to their natural states through industry-leading technology and customer support-not chemicals. WaterIQ Technologies, partnering with Audubon Society, supports the golf industry in ensuring golf course ponds are sustainable, algae free, aesthetically pleasing & easy to maintain. Our focus is on supporting the golf course maintenance team with chemical-free and cost-effective solutions & providing data they need to make good decisions, with IoT feedback such as pH and Chlorophyll levels. Ultrasound technology controls algae 24/7 to allow the golf course to focus on other tasks!
We help you control algae blooms, without chemicals
Helping restore water at wastewater and drinking water treatment plants, lakes and ponds, golf courses, wineries, and agriculture -- WaterIQ water treatment solutions remove algae and biofilm to help restore water ecosystems to their natural states without the expense, hassle and side effects of chemicals. WaterIQ Technologies’ Master Distributor, SonicSolutions Algae Control LLC, has over 3,000 ultrasonic solutions installed to date.

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