Turf NanoTech
TNT Nano fertilizers are high-quality turfgrass fertilizers
At Turf NanoTech we’ve mastered how to engineer mineral carriers into nanoscopic particles: essentially tiny sponges designed to be loaded with solutions like fertilizers, fungicides, PGR’s, herbicides, and insecticides. All new, our TNT Nano Activators are engineered nanoparticle solutions designed to tank mix or combine with fertilizer, pesticide, or PGR products to improve their uptake and delivery. Our new TNT Nano fertilizers are high-quality turfgrass fertilizers paired with specially designed nanoparticles to improve nutrient uptake into every blade of grass.
NanoFuse™ is an all new nanotechnology liquid pest-activator designed to be used with your current active ingredients to enhance overall product efficacy. This specially designed nanoparticle solution is engineered for enhancing control of: fungicides, herbicides, PGRs, biologicals, and insecticides. When added to spray mixes NanoFuse™ works by uniquely improving product uptake into both leaves and roots. Low use rates of 0.2oz/1000ft2 also provide a great value for turfgrass managers.

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