Sun. July 10 | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM | C220      

    Learn about effective herbicide rotational programs with leading experts and see how good weed control is all dependent on your herbicide, the weed, and your strategy. Leave with new ideas and an updated plan for better weed control. This session may be eligible for pesticide recertification credit.

    Christopher Marble, PhD; Mid-Florida Research & Education Center --- Chris Marble received his Ph.D. from Auburn University and is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center in Apopka, FL. He has held various research and extension roles for the University of Tennessee and Syngenta, and before completing his degree, worked in the landscape industry for 7 years. Dr. Marble’s research program focuses on the development of integrated weed management plans for ornamental plants in production nurseries, greenhouses, and landscapes using chemical and non-chemical methods. The primary goal of his program to help members of the Green Industry solve real-world weed management challenges and improve profitability through the development of effective weed management programs.

    Dave Barcel; OHP Inc --- Dave has worked in the Ornamental Horticulture Industry since 1978. A graduate of the University of Minnesota and South Dakota State University, earning degrees in Horticulture, AAS, and Horticulture Education, B.S. respectively. Past work experience includes Vo-Ag teacher, Chemlawn Services Manager, Specialty Chemical sales, Senior Product Development Representative for Uniroyal Chemical/Chemtura; (focusing on PGR research) and recently, Senior Technical Manager for OHP, Inc. Dave has been active with CAPCA (California Agriculture Production Consultants Assoc.), The Plant Doctor program (CAPCA), WPGRS (Western Plant Growth Regulator Society-Past President) and the PGRSA (Plant Growth Regulator Society of America-Member at Large). Dave and his family re- located from California to south eastern Wisconsin. Dave will continue to focus on his PGR and herbicide research with technical product support for OHP.

    Randy Zondag; Ohio State University Extension - Lake County --- • Commercial Horticulture Educator and Director OSU Extension-Lake County 34 Years • Major programs : IPM, Spray application, Fertilizer Use, Irrigation , Soil media, Weed Control , Soils , and Tree survival • College education at the University Wisconsin-Madison in Horticulture and Education • Awards- Outstanding in the Field award –NGLCO, Award of Merit – ONLA , National poustanding researcher and Extension educator -ANLA

    Hannah Mathers, PhD; Mathers Environmental Science Service LLC --- Hannah Mathers is an independent horticultural researcher and consultant in nursery and landscape with her own company Mathers Environmental Science Services, LLC. Until 12/2014, she was a Professor at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio for almost 15 years and before that Oregon State University. Hannah is the recipient of several awards including meritorious service, distinguished contributions, and promotion of diversity. She is a recognized national speaker and writer and is best known for her research in bio-rational, conventional, and alternative weed control in nursery crops and landscapes. She is also noted for her diagnostic expertise of herbicide damage and nutritional deficiencies with ornamental crops and woody plant cold stress physiology.

    James Altland; USDA-ARS Application Technology --- James is a Research Horticulturist for the USDA-ARS in Wooster, OH. One of his primary research responsibilities is weed control in nursery and greenhouse crops. He conducts research on weed biology, weed response to cultural practices, and weed control with herbicides.


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