An Illinois Nursery Grower since 1925
Kankakee Nursery is a 2,500-acre grower of exceptional shade trees, ornamental trees and evergreens. We specialize in both balled-and-burlapped and container production, and are located 1 hour south of Chicago in Aroma Park, IL with shipping throughout the USA and into Canada. 2021 marks our 96th year in business, each one led by 4 generations of the Worth family.
We understand the challenges your business faces when buying trees. You need straight trunks, pest-free foliage, healthy and fibrous root systems, beautiful canopies and sturdy root balls and you need them dug and shipped at the right time. Not only all of that, but you need the trees you and your customers prefer AVAILABLE! That’s where we come in. Our minimum for delivery is just $1,000. We encourage you to reach out today to get a load of Kankakee plants rolling your way come spring.
Trees, Evergreens and Shrubs
Shade & Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs. Balled and Burlapped & Containerized. We grow over 140 varieties of Shade, Ornamental & Patio Trees either balled-and-burlapped or container (#10 thru #25). We also specialize in field-grown evergreens including Arborvitae, Junipers, Boxwood, Spruce and Pine with an additional selection of field-grown shrubs such as Burning Bush and Viburnums.