The dedicated team behind Ball Seed combines our extensive experience and innovative thinking to make sure you always have the best products, the most efficient tools and the dynamic solutions to build your business. We source world-class breeding and product development that drive new sales, delight the consumer and generate demand.
North America’s leading wholesale horticultural distributor. It combines extensive experience, innovative thinking and world-class customer service to ensure professional growers have the best products, most efficient tools and dynamic growing solutions.
From award-winners to unique and top-performing varieties, Ball Seed annuals fulfill the needs of today’s gardener looking for something distinctive, different and in-demand.
Add texture to mixed containers, or satisfy the rising need for water-wise and rugged landscape plants. Our grasses are a new spin on color, texture, habit and height for year-round interest.
Count on your Ball Seed sales rep to bring you the latest perennial introductions from around the world. Several exclusives and a reliable supply are also available from Darwin Colombia.
Cyclamen, Primula, Gerbera & More ... Potted plants continue to grow in popularity and offer multi-season sales for your business. Stay on-trend with products from Ball Seed.
For greenhouses supplying the florist market, the varieties we offer are an exciting portfolio of colors and textures. Be sure to check out several exclusives found only through Ball Seed.
Serve up the edibles consumers are craving! The Ball Seed assortment includes All-America Selections winners, retail branded programs from Burpee and exclusive choices to help you stand out.
The Ball Seed field experts and customer service teams are the best in the business. From helping you choose the right varieties and cultural expertise, to trouble-shooting complex situations and managing your business through WebTrack®, Ball Seed strives to be the easiest company to do business with.
Get started! Browse our full catalog of plants and products.
Put Ball Seed WebTrack To Work For You
Ball Seed WebTrack has the most complete online offering of commercial greenhouse supplies with more than 250,000 products available 24/7 at your fingertips. Download the mobile WebTrack To Go app for access anywhere, anytime. Live inventory is easy to search and ready to ship to keep up with your busy schedule. Track shipments, manage deliveries, and print reports and invoices online. It's all backed by our knowledgeable Ball Seed sales force, customer service and world-class supply chain. Put Ball Seed WebTrack to work for you!
All the Best and Nothing Else.
Ball Horticultural Company is a leader in all facets of horticulture. Our global family of breeders, research and development teams, suppliers, and distribution companies has a strong presence on six continents in 20 countries. We live by our founder’s motto: “All the Best and Nothing Else.”
Flowers to Fit Lifestyles --- Our plants and products are making history in the world of gardening. Among these are award-winning flowers, vegetables, perennials, roses and shrubs recognized worldwide for their performance and consumer appeal. The latest products to fit the needs of today’s gardening lifestyle include flowers to fit small or indoor spaces, top-rated vegetables and herbs, low-maintenance succulents, and other plants with a purpose.

Who owns Ball Horticultural Company?
Ball Horticultural Company was founded in 1905 by George J. Ball. The company remains family owned and has a global presence on six continents in 17 countries. The current President and CEO is Anna Caroline Ball, third-generation leader of Ball Horticultural Company.
I'm a home gardener. Can I order seeds and plants from Ball?
Ball is a wholesale seed and plant distributor to the commercial horticulture industry. Unfortunately we do not sell directly to home gardeners. However, you can find our fabulous flowers, vegetables and shrubs at your local garden center. Visit our home gardening websites to locate a store near you:
I'm having trouble with my plants. Can you offer advice?
Greenhouse growers can explore plant culture, Grower Facts documents, trial research and more through a plant search, or through any of the marketing websites of our breeding companies. For a specific problem affecting your greenhouse production, please contact your Ball Seed sales representative or regional technical product rep. Please request a call from our experts at our Contact Us page.
For advice on home gardening, please visit our consumer websites:
How do I locate a sales representative in my area?
North American growers of all sizes are serviced by an expert and dedicated sales force through Ball Seed and Ball ColorLink. Please call our Ball Seed customer service department for assistance locating a sales rep in your area: 800 879-BALL.
Visit our Contact Us page and select your global region for sales service outside of North America.
How do I request a catalog?
Visit our Media Room to browse or download the latest North American catalogs and brochures. Information and literature can also be found at our companies' websites. You can also contact our customer service department to request a printed copy: 800 879-BALL.
Can I have access to the images in your photolibrary?
The Ball Horticultural Company image library is readily available for promotional use. Photos may not be licensed or resold. The correct variety name and series name must be listed with any reproduction.
Visit the Press & Photos page to search and download available photography. To request specific images of Ball products, contact the Image Archive Library at
Can I order or print Point Of Purchase signage?
Ball offers extensive marketing support for its products. From bench cards to cart banners and fence signs. Point Of Purchase (POP) signage can be ordered through our graphics partners or requested through your grower and sales rep. Browse availability, or create and download custom signs through the Retail section of
What employment opportunities are available at Ball?
Current job opportunities are posted at the Careers at Ball page of our website. Please mail your resume to:
Ball Horticultural Company
622 Town Road
West Chicago, IL 60185
Human Resources Dept.
Attn: Mike Williams
Fax your resume to 630 231-3592, or email your resume to Resumes are kept on file for six months.
Do you accept applications for internships?
Ball Horticultural Company encourages the next generation to explore the world of horticulture. Each year, internship opportunities are available in North America in our many business divisions: product development, marketing, research, sales, garden design, and more. Contact our Human Resources department.
Can I visit The Gardens at Ball?
Our Gardens in West Chicago, Illinois have been the evaluation and testing grounds for the world’s wealth of horticulture since 1933. Visits to The Gardens at Ball are encouraged for customers of Ball Seed and industry partners. Please call the Ball switchboard at 630 231-3600 to set up an arrival date and time.
Garden Clubs and Master Gardner groups can arrange a visit through our Education and Trials Manager Susan Schmitz (ext. 3289). Garden writers or members of the press should contact Public Relations Manager Katie Rotella (ext. 3296). Open days for the general public are reserved for Saturdays in August each summer.
Where can I find Ball products outside North America?
Ball has a strong presence of breeding and distribution partners on six continents, and we encourage you to contact your regional distribution company for availability of plant products from Ball Horticultural Company. You can locate your nearest distributor from the list at Our Companies page, or by selecting your specific region on the Contact Us page.
What are your newest plant introductions?
You can browse and download our latest catalogs in the Press & Photos section of this website. Each of our breeding companies' websites also showcase the newest plant introductions. Find access to all of our breeding companies in the Our Companiessection.