Peters Excel products offered by Everris, feature unique formulations. These give the ability to deliver complete plant nutrition using only a single-concentrate stock tank, taking into account the quality of water irrigation. This will decrease labor and overall costs. All Peters Excel products are completely water soluble, keeping your emitters clean.
Everris offers two main ranges of Peters Excel products, the “Acidifier” range for hard water conditions and the “CalMag” range for soft water.
“Acidifier” has a bicarbonate-neutralizing effect which helps to achieve a stable pH level in the soil. This improvement also reduces the EC value of the irrigation water. “Acidifier” also comes with M-77 technology, allowing for maximum absorbability of nutrients. Lastly, “Acidifier” delivers excellent growth and color due to its high level of chelated trace elements.
“CalMag” delivers a continuous supply of calcium and magnesium, which is missing in soft water systems. It is also extremely reliable due to its composition of raw ingredients and chelated trace elements. This provides for healthy color and optimum growth. Similar to “Acidifier,” “CalMag” contains M-77 technology and has a single-tank mixing concept; all nutrient elements are in a single storage tank.
Whether for hard or soft water conditions, Everris has the right answer to help professional growers cultivate healthy and strong plants, thanks to Peters Excel products.