Your partner for success.
At Harrell’s, one priority defines our approach to business: to contribute to your success in as many ways as possible – day in and day out. It’s about being there for you when the others have moved on to the next “selling opportunity.” Making your problems our own. Bringing you thoughtful, customized solutions on every pallet we deliver. Leveraging technology to help you predict and manage the challenges of trying to grow a better world.

Based in Lakeland, Florida since 1941, Harrell's is a leading producer and distributor of customized, agronomic solutions -- not merely "products". This includes nutritional solutions in both granular and liquid form to help your turf, landscape and plants grow and thrive. We also specialize in delivering solutions to help protect your world from pests, environmental threats and climate extremes. Naturally, we have production and storage facilities throughout the country to ensure timely, efficient shipments.
Harrell’s Horticulture Specialists have been trusted partners to nurserymen and production managers for more than a half a century. As your partner, we’re committed to giving you effective solutions that will produce unparalleled success and help eliminate hassles and guesswork.
Harrell’s PROfertilizer™ - The latest advanced release technologies including POLYON®, up to 175 ingredient options, double and triple-screened for the finest blends.
Harrell’s MAX® and Bio-MAX® - 30 different liquid nutritional formulas for faster green-up and more consistent, uniform growth.
Harrell’s SprayMAX® - Unique products to help improve turf appearance, increase the efficacy of turf protection products and provide visual spray patterns.
Harrell’s HydroMAX™ - Wetting agents and surfactants to promote deep, uniform soil moisture while enhancing the color and quality of your plants.
Harrell’s Horticulture Specialists will:
- Gather tissue, media and water samples from your site for analysis by independent labs
- Create customized fertilizer blends
- Provide solutions for maximizing growth
- Help produce successful plant protection programs
Our college-trained specialists are experienced in your geographic area and always focused on your growing needs and goals. To deliver the best possible value for your dollars spent, we sell direct to you – not through large distribution houses. And our industry-leading service is backed up with our exclusive “Premium Consulting Services” available to you at no charge.
Our Vice President of Horticulture Sales is Rick Helpingstine. You may reach him here:
CustoMix™ – a software program developed by Harrell’s – is the recipe for your success. It ensures that you consistently receive a unique, agronomically sound fertilizer blend that will maintain healthy, lush results. Harrell’s CustoMix™ has been perfecting solutions to meet our customers’ requirements for almost a decade. With Harrell’s custom fertilizer blends, you get healthy, resilient growth, and rich, vibrant ornamentals. Every time – no matter how challenging your conditions are.
Harrell's MAX® offers you results that get noticed.
The complete line of Harrell’s MAX® liquid foliar nutritional products, including Harrell's Bio-MAX®, is an ideal way to supplement your granular fertilization program. Liquid foliar fertilizers “feed” through both the leaves and roots, allowing for maximum plant uptake, less environmental loss and faster green-up. The products may also be mixed with many pesticides and plant growth regulators for a labor-saving, one-stop application.