Florida Water Star
The Florida Water StarSM Program was developed by the St. Johns River Water Management District in 2006 and became a statewide program in 2012. Florida Water StarSM is a water conservation certification program for new and existing homes and commercial developments. Standards and guidelines for water efficiency are included for: Indoor fixtures and appliances; Landscape design; Irrigation systems>

Florida Water Star is a water conservation certification program for new and existing homes and commercial developments. Standards and guidelines for water efficiency are included for:
- Indoor fixtures and appliances
- Landscape design
- Irrigation systems
To apply to have your new construction project or existing home certified, here are some tips!
- We recommend ensuring your landscape and irrigation contractors are Florida Water Star Accredited Professionals
- Hire a Florida Water Star independent inspector to document and attest to all criteria being met for certification
- The final step is certification through the Certified Ratings Program, which your inspector will coordinate with you
Florida Water Star can be effectively integrated into other certification programs including:
- Florida Green Building Coalition’s Certification (FGBC)
- S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED Program.
The Florida Water Star approach can enhance projects by providing a suite of efficiency practices that focus on ways to reduce water use designed for a Florida lifestyle.
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