Center for Applied Nursery Research
Funding and facilities for green industry.
The purpose of CANR is to provide a managed facility and funding for ornamental horticulture research based on grower needs and conducted under commercial growing conditions. The goal of CANR is to generate information to keep growers in Georgia and the Southeast on the forefront of new ornamental plant breeding, evaluation and introduction, as well as, new nursery production techniques. Members of the green industry are invited to visit this work in progress and present questions and needs for research projects every year during our annual Needs Meeting. An Advisory Council reviews and ranks submitted proposals for new research projects and presents these findings to the seven member Board of Directors for funding for the following year.

The research site is located on 2 acres adjacent to McCorkle Nurseries in Dearing, GA. It is structured like a miniature nursery with four greenhouses, two weather monitoring systems, a graveled container pad, a pot-in-pot site and a research and administration building surrounded by a small ornamental garden. In the spring of 1998, a large shade structure was constructed on the site to accommodate more versatility in research projects. A full-time manager oversees the day to day operations of CANR.
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