Waterford Press

Inspiring people to enjoy nature, science, travel, languages and adventure in the natural world.
Waterford Press produces simplified, pocket-sized reference guides to nature, science, travel, languages and living that have sold over 3.5 million copies worldwide. Trade-marked product lines include Pocket Naturalist, Pocket Traveler, Pocket Tutor and Duraguide. The company's motto is "Putting the World in Your Pocket".


Our Product Categories:
Pocket Naturalist® Guides, Pocket Traveller® Guides, Pocket Tutor® Guides, DuraGuides™, Nature Activity Books, and Field Guides.

Address:     1123 Overcash Dr. Dunedin, FL 34698
Email:    info@waterfordpress.com
Contact:   Jill Smith
Phone:    800.434.2555   FAX:  727.330.7765



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