Brunson Wholesale Nursery
34 years of Excellent Service.
Founded in 1981 by Jon Brunson, Brunson Wholesale Nursery LLC started growing high quality plant material in large containers. By 1984 plants were being shipped as far away as Dallas Texas. Since that time period, we have grown quite a bit. We have served customers as far north as Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia & New Jersey and as far west as Texas.

We have also had many changes in the industry since 1981 as many of the nurseries that were around during that period no longer exist. We have tried over the years to hone our skills of growing top quality material by taking advantage of as much of the new advances that have evolved over the years with newer, safer, more effective chemicals and fertilization. Brunson Wholesale Nursery LLC has in a way set a lot of the standards for top quality over the years, and as a result, we have a top quality customer base that drives our quality control. We hope in the future we can have as many satisfied customers in the industry as we do today.
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