Michigan Peat (Baccto)
From the ground up, Michigan Peat Company is dedicated to quality
Over the past 50 years, Michigan Peat has earned a reputation for providing products that surpass the standards of discriminating professional growers and home gardeners. That's because we precisely formulate and blend our mixes using only high-quality ingredients to put "nature and science in balance". You can count on our consistent quality in every Michigan Peat product you use. It's the Michigan Peat difference.

As a long-time supplier to gardening hobbyists and professional growers, Michigan Peat understands the importance of responsible use of our resources. We are proud of the sound environmental stewardship that we have practiced for decades at all our locations. The respect for the land, water and air that began with our founders so long ago remains at the center of our culture and heritage today.

Our Showcase: Invites / Promotions / Product Catalogs / Sales & Marketing Support
DISCOVER -- INVESTIGATE -- GROW @ The Premier Mid-American Conference
Join us at THE PREMIER MID-AMERICAN CONFERENCE -- STAY CONNECTED! Missouri. D.I.G. is the only green industry conference in Midwest to Discover - Investigate - Grow away with knowledge. It will offer skills to improve business, employee education and the tools to discover the latest innovations...