Triad Plant
Full line of Florist Quality Interior plants .
Triad Plant Company is the foremost wholesale plant brokerage in Florida – we make it a priority to offer items no one else has! Our mission is to provide the best quality plants hand-in-hand with the best customer service, offering a combination of convenience, price, and selection that can’t be beaten. We feature a full line of Florist Quality Interior plants in pot sizes from 3 inches to specimen size. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Florist, Interiorscaper, Wholesaler, or a Garden Center, we have what you’re looking for!
We also operate a nursery, located at 8839 155th St South in Delray Beach, Florida. It allows us to offer items other brokers just can’t get! We welcome visitors who would like a tour of our nursery to see our growing process. We are happy to quote prices and hand tag for you, just specify Interiorscape or Garden Center.

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