Burchell Nursery
From founding father to son to grandson.
From 10,000 trees to 3 million --- From 1-1/2 acres to more than 1,000 --- From 5,000 square feet of greenhouse space to 130,000 --- Burchell Nursery has known no bounds. By 2004, Burchell Nursery had a new milestone to celebrate. Bill handed the reins of the company over to son, Tom Burchell. While some experts estimate only ten percent of the nation’s 2.1 million farms survive to the third generation of family ownership, Tom has seized the opportunity and helped the nursery continue to grow.
With a renewed focus on research, Tom has pioneered the development of the nursery’s container tree lines. His stewardship has also advanced the firm’s breeding program, which now holds more than 44 patented varieties to its credit and with more coming each year. The Burchell exclusve icon is your indication of a superior tree from Burchell Nursery.
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