WMP Crates
Wright Metal Products Crates.
Wright Metal Products Crates is the leader in Steel Packaging Solutions for finished goods products in the Lawn & Garden and Power Sports Industries. We have additional expertise and capabilities in contract manufacturing for machining and precision fabrication. Consistant with our metal fabrication and internal powder coating capabilities, we now offer a complete line of Material Handling Carts. WMPC has strengthened its strategic resources to develop a World Class Culture high in flexibility and dedicated to superior customer service. Wright Metal Products Crates is dedicated to delivering superior products backed by our commitment to total quality and exhaustive testing.
Wright Metal Products Crates is a trusted solutions partner and supplier for many World Class Companies including: John Deere, Yamaha, BMW, Honda, Textron, Toro, Ariens, Excel, Michelin, Kawasaki, WABCO, Hayssen, and many others.

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