Jungle Jack's
Palms, Plumeria and More -- Offering Tropical Plants in California and Worldwide
Welcome to Jungle Jack's, home of the finest in palms, plumerias, cycads, and other top quality plants. The fragrance of brightly colored Plumeria blooms evokes memories of tropical vacations and warm summer days in the garden. The colors of Plumeria (or Frangipani, as they are also known) range from vibrant rainbows to brilliant white, and each bloom emits a lovely fragrance. Renowned for their beauty, you can weave blooms into leis or gently float them in a bowl of water. Now you can grow your own exotic plumerias in a home garden or on your patio. We're proud to offer many amazing, unique hybrids grown from our own seeds in Thailand. --- John and Christie Ingwersen, Jungle Jack’s, Vista, CA

Our specialties include the 'Baby Queen' palm (Chamaedorea plumosa), a fantastic interior and exterior specimen, along with Howea forsteriana 'Kentia', Bismarckia nobilis, Chamaerops humilis var. Cerifera 'Moroccan Blue', and more. We also are in the process of introducing what will become one of the best exterior palms available anywhere, the hybrid Syagrus sp. 'Coconut Queen'®. Jungle Jack's also offers a full line of the highest quality plumerias on the market, including our exclusive miniature varieties. For the cycad connoisseur we offer an excellent selection of cycads, including many Encephalartos species. as well as variegated rhapis and other unsual items. We believe in what we grow... so can you.

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