Herd Farms Nursery
Wholesale Liners -- Viburnums, Dogwoods, Bed Gown Liners & Field Grown Transplanted Liners
Herd Farms Nursery is a family owned plant propagation nursery located in Belvidere, Tennessee. Specializing in one and two year old bare root, bed-grown plants, with occasional availability of field grown transplant liners. Herd Farms Nursery got its start in the fall of 2000 with 24 beds and has grown to almost 375 beds and is propagating more than 700,000 plants per year. Our production method is unique to our area with our liners being grown in natural soil. This creates a hardy, outdoor grown plant with a vigorous root system that will be able to stand up to harsh conditions. Our plants are machine dug, which reduces plant damage, graded in a humidity controlled packing shed, boxed, and then placed in a cooler at 35 degrees until you are ready for shipment. This allows you to receive a dormant plant, even as late as May. It is our goal to provide our customers with consistent, high quality liners that thrive when planted.
About Herd Farms Nursery in Belvidere, TN
I started working in the nursery industry while I was still in high school, but I received my real start in horticulture from Mr. Fred Shadow at Tennessee Valley Nursery in Winchester, Tennessee after receiving my B.S. degree in Agriculture from Auburn University in 1986. I served as production manager for 12 years at Tennessee Valley Nursery, and then I shifted to selling nursery supplies. After 5 years I realized that plants were my passion, so my wife and I started Herd Farms Nursery here in Belvidere - minutes from where I got my start.

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