Heartland Growers
Wholesale Nursery and Greenhouse.
Heartland Growers is a full service Wholesale Greenhouse located in Westfield, IN, where we have been owned and operated by the Gapinski Family since 1984. Since inception, Heartland Growers has been supplying wholesale plants and services to local independent garden centers, florists and landscapers as well as national chain stores throughout the Midwest.
Heartland Growers is one of the most modern, capital intensive greenhouses in Indiana. The structure is double polyethylene "VanWingerden" gutter connected greenhouses with 24 ft.- 36 ft. bays. The greenhouse facility covers over 30 acres where we produce a variety of plants that include: Bedding Plants, Geraniums, Lilies, Hanging Baskets (Flowering and Foliage), Hardy Mums, Poinsettias and other assorted flowering crops.

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