Midwest Regional Turf Foundation
Supporting Turfgrass Research.
MRTF supports turfgrass research and education at Purdue University for the betterment of the turf industry in Indiana, the Midwest, and the nation. The Foundation receives no government funding. It is supported by memberships, private and corporate contributions, fund raising outings, and registration fees for educational events. The Foundation is governed by fourteen elected board of directors and two executive officers.

MRTF is an an active and instrumental group. The College of Agriculture at Purdue University and the MRTF have a very good working relationship. The Foundation has an open and on-going dialog with the Dean of Agriculture which has lead to improved research facilities and an increase in turf faculty members. Monies from the Foundation help support research in the Agronomy, Botany and Plant Pathology, and Entomology Departments.
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