Barky Beaver
Producer of environmentally friendly mulch and soil mix for retail and wholesale
With acres of mulch and bark in year-round inventory, Barky Beaver serves thousands of customers each year. We value our integrity, dependability and are known for our excellent customer service. We are respected throughout the horticulture industry for our continued commitment to natural ingredients that respect the earth and environment, and it is our mission to maintain that reputation. We’re proud to offer 100 percent natural mulch and soil products, manufactured to enhance the quality of your outdoor living spaces.
Nick Patterson, President
Barky Beaver Mulch and Soil is under the leadership of company president Nick Patterson, a licensed veterinarian and graduate of Auburn University. He has a great deal of experience in agriculture as he and his wife April Smith Patterson, own and operate an extensive farming operation with land in Tennessee as well as Kentucky and Alabama. Along with farming, Nick and April raise beef cattle, have a small flock of chickens and their newest adventure is raising their first child, Axel James Patterson. Nick is always ready with a helpful hand to lend or answer to give, and you might even catch him answering the phone at Barky Beaver when you call in to place an order. Nick is a great asset, and we are thankful to have him at the helm.

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