Florida Dept of AG (Plant Industry)
Florida Department of Agriculture -- Division of Plant Industry .
As a regulatory branch of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Division of Plant Industry works to detect, intercept and control plant and honey bee pests that threaten Florida’s native and commercially grown plants and agricultural resources.
The Bureau of Entomology, Nematology & Plant Pathology consists of scientists, laboratory technicians and other support personnel who identify and process samples sent in by inspectors and Florida citizens. The risk of introducing exotic pests and diseases has significantly increased during the last decade because of international travel and the commercial movement of exotic pests. To ensure correct identification of samples, the bureau maintains a library of more than 13,000 books and periodicals, and the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, a collection of more than 8 million specimens. We have a phytoparasitic nematode collection, a herbarium with over 11,000 plants and nearly 1,500 vials of seeds, a plant pathology collection, a biological control laboratory, a fruit fly identification laboratory, and an advanced diagnostics laboratory. This video provides a glimpse of what our scientists do on a daily basis to help the public.

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