North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
A Membership organization of firms interested in welfare of North Carolina's green industry
The North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association is a 501 (c)5 non-profit membership organization of firms interested in the welfare of North Carolina's green industry, with emphasis on the nursery and landscape industry. NCNLA's vertically-integrated membership includes growers, landscape firms and retail garden centers. Additionally, NCNLA has membership categories for industry suppliers, horticulture students and educators.

The North Carolina Association of Nurserymen and the North Carolina Landscape & Grounds Management Association merged October 1, 2006 into the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association, Inc. NCNLA is a membership organization of firms interested in the welfare of North Carolina's green industry, with emphasis on the nursery and landscape industries. Members include wholesale growers, retailers, suppliers, landscapers, horticulture students and educators.

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