Wholesale Nurseries
With over 70 Years of Integrity, J.C. Bakker & Sons Ltd. is your family owned and operated wholesale source for Quality Trees, Top Brand Shrubs, Hardy Roses, Evergreens and much more. We are located in the heart of the Niagara Peninsula, in St. Catharines Ontario, Canada, just a short drive from Niagara Falls.

Bakker's grows a broad range of woody ornamental nursery stock, and, in addition, specializes in top-grafted standards, such as caragana, weeping pussy willow, euonymus, lilac, ginkgo, crabapple and catalpa, just to name a few. Bakker's also produces over 150 varieties of roses in addition ot a very diverse selection of flowering shrubs, evergreens and shade trees, and is among the industry leaders in development and testing of the newest available varieties.
70 Years of Integrity
J.C. Bakker & Sons Nurseries is your family owned and operated wholesale source for Quality Trees, Top Brand Shrubs, Hardy Roses, Evergreens and much more.
Location, Climate and Growing Conditions
Located in the heart of the Niagara Peninsula our nursery is just a short drive from Niagara Falls, with cities such as Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Chicago, Cleveland, Boston, and New York all within a 500 mile radius. Since 1949, Bakker has steadily grown to now include over 450 acres of sandy and sandy loam soil for field production, 40 acres of polyhouses and over 90,000 square feet of propagating houses and glasshouses.
With one of the mildest climates in the country, due to the Great Lakes, our last frost occurs about mid-May, and first frost occurs about mid-October. Soils remain frozen from Christmas to mid-March and on average winters are mild with very little snow cover remaining for any extended length of time. This provides ideal growing conditions for nursery stock.
To provide customers a competitive spring book of business, Bakker produces a range of Quality Trees, Top Branded Shrubs, Hardy Roses, Evergreens and much more. We source top varietals from established and innovative breeding programs, brands, research facilities, licensing agents and from our own discoveries and travels.
Bakker produces over 200 varieties of Roses, 200 Shade, Ornamental and Fruit Trees, 120 different Flowering Shrubs, a selection of 90 Conifers, Evergreens and Hardy Shrubs, and we are proud to offer an increasing selection of Grasses and Edibles.
New Introductions
We keep around 5% of our portfolio filled with new introductions, ensuring, in addition to the stability of tried and true selections, customers can always increase their competitiveness through innovative varieties grown with the same standards of quality & service.
Distributing across North America, we are a federally Certified Facility under the CFIA directive D-04-01 CNCP. The majority of our plant material grows from propagation to finished state on our own farms, ensuring quality control as well as acclimatization of plants for customers located in colder geographical areas. We are proud to offer top brand plant selections from Bloomin’ Easy®, David Austin® Roses, Drift® Groundcover Roses, Canadian Artists Roses, the Knock Out® family of Roses, the Endless Summer® Collection, First Editions® Plants, Proven Winners® and the 49thParallel Collection.