Eshraghi Nurseries
Specializing in Japanese maples, grafted conifers and woody ornamental
At Eshraghi Nursery, we have a passion for plants, and a desire to share our knowledge about our material. Our service and attention to detail is appreciated by customers, from fellow growers to retail nurseries across the United States and Canada. We treasure long-term relationships and do our best to make each order exceptional, each customer content, and overall relationships smooth, enjoyable and lucrative for all. Our sales team is always available to help you choose the best plants, whether during a tour, over the phone or at a trade show.
You will find that we possess a love of maples, a fondness for conifers, and an interest in new plants of all kinds. Each year we add a handful of new varieties to our selections because they have been proven performers. We do not introduce new plants to our lineup easily, because we only want quality introductions, not flash-in-the-pan or overrated, over-marketed duds. We currently produce over 60 varieties of Japanese maples, selected for color, habit and unique characteristics. Our grafted specialty conifers, especially Pinus, Cedrus and Chamaecyparis are increasing in quantity. We focus on outstanding color, better habit or improved survivability. Also, we offer consistent quality on the traditional, indispensable staples, such as Arborvitae, Azalea, Buxus, Hydrangea, Juniperus, Spiraea, and Picea.

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