Dr. Chris Cerveny, President and Co-Founder at Bridge City Global, LLC
Chris Cerveny, Ph.D. is President and Co-Founder of Bridge City Global, a horticulture business advisory group that offers consulting services to the horticulture industry. Chris is a proven business and thought leader with over 25 years of experience in all aspects of the marketplace ranging from countertop devices to grow tents to large-scale greenhouses and vertical farms. He has applied his broad horticultural knowledge to countless successful projects at his current and former companies, including Fifth Season, Lettuce Grow, Hawthorne/MiracleGro, Cornell, University of Florida, and Michigan State. He is a passionate dot connector and complex problem solver that leverages his experience scaling businesses, operations, and ideas to maximize ROI. He continues to make advancements in strategy and innovation; product design and business development; and providing research strategies that move the business forward. His teams get things done faster, with fewer setbacks, and his work has generated over a billion dollars in shareholder value. With first-hand experience researching and developing all of the common CEA inputs and components and then integrating them into successful growing operations to unlock consistently higher yields at quality and cost, he’s built companies, departments, and systems for success - and has conquered more obstacles than most people even know exist. Chris is also a nice guy and is eager to help you be successful in all aspects of life, not just your growing business.