Cassandra Flynn, Marketing Director at Ashcombe Farm and Greenhouses
Hello, IGC owners and marketing managers! My name is Cassie Flynn! I am a marketing professional with 8 years in the driver's seat of some awesome small business marketing departments. I am now in my third year with an Independent Garden Center in Mechanicsburg, PA called Ashcombe Farm and Greenhouses. Outside of my IGC work, I own and operate my own marketing consulting business. In 2021 I graduated from West Virginia University (Go Mountaineers!) with my Master's Degree in Integrated Marketing Communications.
I have a passion for small business marketing and limited-resource marketing. My love of this came from watching my father grow his small business from the ground up. In my early days as a marketer, I helped that business grow from $1.2 million in sales to over $6 million in two years.
When it comes to marketing, I always look at the hows and the whys. Why should my ideal customer purchase from me? How am I going to persuade them to do so? I'm excited to help you through navigating day-to-day marketing techniques that will help you succeed in your IGC marketing!