Sitefotos (Pahobee Technologies)
The simplest photo-taking, project-tagging, site mapping, (even time-tracking), customer communication portal
Measure accurately -- Mapbuilderpro is the industry leading site measuring software. Mapbuilderpro provides a variety of base map imagery including satellite, high-resolution, drone and streetview to give you the confidence that your measurements are based on the most current information. With Mapbuilderpro, you can measure and estimate properties, plot photos, create interactive maps, and API integrate with many other software platforms. If you are too busy to measure, utilize our partner to outsource your site measurements.
Field Services Software
Estimate intelligently -- Used by thousands of snow removal and professionals to measure and estimate commercial snow removal pricing proposals. Instantly calculate all pricing scenarios including time & materials, per push, per event, seasonal and others. Historical snow totals form over 70,000 weather stations and services can be used for seasonal estaimting. Calculations are done instantly and can be exported, API integrated, and pushed directly into the Proposal Builder. You will cut your time to send your snow removal contracts by as much as 90%.

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