Oldcastle APG Stone

Pavers, patio slabs, stone veneer, retaining walls
As North America’s leading manufacturer of concrete building and hardscape products, Oldcastle APG covers a wide spectrum of applications – from the structural masonry, used in erecting cityscapes and urban centers, to the finishing touches of a backyard oasis. Pavers, patio slabs, stone veneer, retaining walls, architectural block, composite decking, dry mix concrete, fertilizers and mulches are but a few categories where Oldcastle APG leads the marketplace. Our customers are serviced through a network of 170 manufacturing facilities. For more than 30 years, our brands have set the standard for design, technical acumen and thought leadership in their related categories – helping consumers, design and landscape professionals craft their vision from concept to installation.

Address:   400 Perimeter Center Terrace FL 10, Atlanta, GA 30346
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Phone:  800-820-2342   FAX:  770-391-2631


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