The next big thing in snow removal!
MUSKOX is driven to provide innovative solutions for the snow removal industry. Launched in 2020, MUSKOX's first patent pending product, the MUSKOX 21-78 offered an innovative option for operators by being the first bi-directional attachment for all brands of skid-steers. Upon launch, the MUSKOX 21-78 immediately received interest from hundreds of operators and led to sales across the United States. Our innovative design and brand lead us to be honored several times in our first few months as a company, those honors included.... *2020 Big Idea Winner for state of Minnesota ... *National magazine story in Sno-Goer ... *Partnership with RDO Equipment
BACK DRAGGING: Our patented back drag feature allows operators to blow snow while back dragging in front of obstructions such as garage doors, siding, and fire hydrants. This saves time and money, while lowering injury risk by decreasing manual labor.

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