KJ Ketterling Enterprises

Look like a pro, act like a pro, Klok-it like a pro.
Klok-it is a 2-piece bracket that secures from the back all the way through the door of your outdoor controller. This replaces the existing, or broken lock tab with stainless steel and tamper proof security. Klok-it not only repairs damaged boxes, our through door design allows for an additional secondary locking mechanism. This makes the generic cam-lock keys, which are available to anyone, doubly secure and impervious to anyone but the most determined criminal intentions. Klok-it can be installed in minutes on existing clocks while still attached in their permanent positions.

Address:   1025 Sawtooth Blvd. Twin Falls, ID 83301
Email:  kjketterlingenterprises@gmail.com     Contact:  
Phone:  (208) 280-0964   FAX: 


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