Your Cost Effective Drainage Solution
Why Hydrowick® is your Cost Effective Drainage Solution -- Hydrowick's® unique ability to provide effective and efficient drainage, coupled with its low cost and minimally invasive installation process, makes it the ultimate tool to enhance surface quality. Maximize play time and minimize downtime with Hydrowick. Within just hours you can address surface drainage issues, while avoiding costly repair, downtime, and future maintenance.
How Hydrowick works
Surface moisture and ponding water is a common problem for golf courses, athletic fields, and lawns. Hydrowick's unique design offers fast free flow drainage and significant flow capacity within hours of heavy rain. Hydrowick's patented design wicks surface moisture and allows for water to pass through its open stainless core using passive capillary action to pull water and manage where it is channeled and dispersed. Hydrowick addresses excess water that is unaccessible by conventional pipe systems allowing for quicker recovery time and an improved turf quality. A long-term solution that is effective in a wide-range of areas.

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