Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape (FNGLA)

Leading Florida's Green Industry -- Protecting Your Interests, Helping Your Business Grow  
As the nation's largest state nursery and landscape association, FNGLA represents Florida's environmental horticulture industry which generated $25.4 billion total output sales in 2018 and directly employed 242,000 people. Through FNGLA's efforts, the entirety of Florida's nursery and landscape industry benefits!

FNGLA dates back to 1952 and today is a vibrant network of professionals who work in unison to shape the future of Florida's nursery and landscape industry. Through the association's activities, FNGLA strives to advance member's business interests and enhance their success. FNGLA is a member-driven association that recognizes the need for individual industry members to unify. FNGLA works to better the industry, raising the bar on professionalism by spearheading marketing programs, providing promotional and educational venues for members, taking a leadership role in protecting and promoting our members' business interests, communicating the latest industry issues and providing professional accreditation to interested individuals.

Address:     1533 Park Center Dr. Orlando, FL 32835
Email:    info@fngla.org     Contact:  
Phone:    (407) 295-7994   FAX:  (407) 295-1619


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           The Lawn & Garden Marketing Association "Green Marketing" programs -- Plan for Success at Events  /  Stay Connected Year Round
           Contact LGMA to Showcase New Products / Catalogs / Seasonal Promotions --- GoGreen@LawnGardenMarketing.org