Express Mulching & Soil
A high-speed material placement company, placing mulch/bark, playground mulch, compost/soil at requested depths and clean finishes, zero site impact, saving you time and money. Our goal is to be your #1 choice in the material placement industry by professionally representing your brand & offering world class customer service! Mulch and Bark -- We provide an even application of all mulches ground 4? or smaller. with our 400' hose we can reach even the most difficult sloped areas for a clean consistent and easy install. detail and clean up is included as part of our complete service.
Soil & Compost
Whether your need is soil amendment for large scale new development, raised planter beds, a top-dress and overseed of a large turf area, or a complete re-vegetation of a disturbed area. Express Mulching & Soil has you covered. With computerized seed injection systems on all of our equipment we provide a superior solution to apply organic material evenly over a large area with no site impact.

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