Crumpler Plastic Pipe
Corrugated plastic drainage pipe .
Crumpler Plastic Pipe, Inc is the leading manufacturer of corrugated plastic drainage pipe on the East Coast. We are the leading manufacturer of corrugated plastic drainage pipe on the East coast. 3" thru 48" HPDE Corrugated Drainage Pipe and Fittings.
Company History:
Crumpler Plastic Pipe is a manufacturer of corrugated polyethylene plastic drainage pipe. CPP was founded in 1975 by its parent company, Crumpler Brick and Tile Company, Inc. Crumpler Brick and Tile was founded in 1945. For years the parent company had been the South's largest manufacturer of clay drain tiles. CPP was founded to produce the small diameter HDPE corrugated pipes that were replacing the clay tile pipes used in septic lines, house foundations, landscaping and farm field drains. Due to the lighter weights of plastic pipes, CPP grew from its clay pipe Virginia-Carolinas market to cover the Eastern Seaboard. As larger culvert size CPP pipes were developed, CPP's growth was fueled by the engineering community's acceptance of chemically inert large diameter culvert pipes for use in storm and wastewater runoff control. This growth allowed CPP to absorb its parent company in 1991. Today CPP operates the largest corrugated plastic pipe manufacturing plant under one roof on the eastern seaboard.

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