FinTech Done Right, Payments Made Awesome. Processing payments + receiving your money shouldn't be hard.  
CardSmart is a FinTech Consulting company. CardSmart was founded by executive Payments leaders looking to shake up the corporate driven Payments world. CardSmart implement's best-in-class intelligent payment technology - so whether you are a B2B Manufacturer eligible for reduced transaction costs, or an enterprise retailer looking for security + peace of mind - rest assured you are getting the best of what's available.

Navigating the Corporate world of Payment Processing can be a drag. That's not us. We understand time is money + project efficiency is critical. We'll have you up + running in no time.

CardSmart leverages multiple platforms to drive best in class innovation + financial efficiency to our customer's. Drop a line below, we'll tell you more!

Address:   Chicago, IL
Phone:  (877) 969-2054   FAX: 


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