Tree Stake Solutions
The RootAnchor Invisble Tree and Large Shrub Stabilization.
Underground Tree Staking System installs in seconds to create a professional sub-surface tree support secured deep into undisturbed soil. It’s patented design eliminates trunk damage as there is nothing contacting the tree trunk. Maintenance costs are lowered substantially as there is nothing to obstruct a mowing crew or the need to weedeat around post and cables. Liability from pedestrians coming into contact with existing tree stabilization methods are now a thing of the past.
ROOT ANCHOR™ is quickly and easily installed in ground or into planters by centering the ring over the surface of the root ball then conecting the three anchors below the root ball. The resulting underground cage allows for natural sway allowing newly formed roots to develop in a stable environment while holding the transplanted tree upright during high winds. Using The ROOT ANCHOR™ allows your customer to enjoy the fruits of your design.
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