Our goal is to raise awareness of the chemicals that our crops & food are grown with! Offering the most pure, organic option for fertilizing that has a healthier impact on our children, planet and future. With organic, powdered fertilizer that, not only, increase quality, flavor and yield, but also save gardeners everywhere money on buying and shipping watered down nutrients. It opens your mind to the power of Mother Nature! Discover soil amendments that can actually clean the air we breathe by reducing CO2 emissions as well as conserving water!

    Bring your plants to life with Key to Life Organic water soluble nutrients, brewers and induction lights!  
    Key to Life allows you to truly unlock the possibilities of organic gardening, energy savings & high yields all while saving you money and time! Key To Life’s true passion is to bring you the most key organic elements to unlock the ultimate root system, resulting in ultimate plants, quality & yield. We focus on dry, soluble nutrient blends (Easy Life Blends & Key To Life Nutrients ) to accommodate the hydroponic hobbyist all the way up to the commercial agricultural farmer. We offer The Cyclone Brewer to easily turn our powders into fresh compost teas & liquid fertilizers tailored to your crop, without buying water!

    Address:     3881 C Steele St, Denver, CO 80205
    Email:    sales@keytolifegarden.com     Contact:  
    Phone:    (855) 695-3986   FAX: 



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