Revolutionary free-standing bird feeder This was the evolutionary process that gave birth to THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER. To develop and market this great new idea, ZENITH INNOVATION, LLC was formed. The ZENITH team is dedicated to creating a whole line of high-quality, innovative products that result in less work and more fun.

Where should I place my bird feeder?Place it where you can see and enjoy the numerous wild birds that will be attracted to the feeder, but make sure you follow these important tips:
- Locate the feeder at least four feet from any window to help prevent birds from flying into glass.
- Select or prepare a level and flat surface --- decks & patios are ideal but the versatility of the Base allows you to place THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER just about anywhere.
- Pick a spot that is 7-10 feet away from "jump off points" for squirrels.
Is there any way a squirrel can get to the Feed Trays?The Squirrel Guard will inhibit squirrels from climbing UP to the Feed Trays. However, squirrels can jump ONTO the Feed Trays if you locate the feeder too close to "jump off points" such as branches, stucco, brick walls, trellises, etc. Keep your feeder at least 7 – 10 feet away from the "jump off points".
Can I fill the Base with water?Yes you can, however, WE DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. In colder climates, water will freeze when temperatures fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit which may cause the Base to crack. Also, water will eventually evaporate and stagnate, so dry sand is always the better choice.
Is there any particular kind of sand you would recommend and where would I find it?We recommend "play sand" and it's available in just about all home and hardware stores and centers.
Why have two Feed Trays?The Upper Feed Tray is smaller and will attract seed eating "tube feeders". The larger Lower Feed Tray will attract seed eating "ground feeders". Simply stated, this configuration will attract more varieties of wild birds. Also, the Lower Feed Tray "catches" the seed thrown off the Upper Feed Tray resulting in less waste and mess.
Will the bird feeder stand up to varying weather conditions?Yes, THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER is designed to withstand the elements. The commercial grade resin is tough and will not rust. The pole sections are powder coated heavy-duty steel and the screws and Safety Pin are stainless steel. The product is covered with a 5 Year Warranty.
Why is cleaning my bird feeder important?Keeping your bird feeder clean is very important in helping to prevent the spread of disease among wild birds. THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER is a snap to clean --- just lower it and rinse it out with a garden hose. You can also use a long handled bottle brush with a detergent solution to finish the job --- all this without bending or stooping.
How often should I clean my bird feeder?This will vary depending on where you live and the activity on your bird feeder so it would be best to consult a wild bird expert in your area.
What about the seed that falls on the ground?Squirrels and ground feeding birds will usually eat the seed that falls on the ground. When bird seed remains on the ground for an extended period of time it is important to sweep it up and discard it or it will become unhealthy for the birds.
What kind of seed do you recommend?THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER Deluxe Model is designed with an Upper and Lower Feed Tray to attract more varieties of birds. Therefore, we recommend you use a bird seed "mix" such as cracked corn, sunflower seeds, and white millet. Since eating habits of wild birds may vary depending on where you live, it would be best to consult with experts or retailers in your area.
What do I do if I need to cancel an order?If you need to cancel an order within the 48 hour processing window, please contact Customer Service We regret that we cannot cancel an order once it has been processed and shipped.
Where is your product made?THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER was designed and engineered in the United States and is manufactured in China.
The year was 2004 and after spending 41 years in the consumer products business, Peter Vosbikian sold his successful family-owned company. His plan was to begin a new pursuit of a calmer, more relaxing way of life. After four years of "slowing down," Peter realized that his energy and passion for developing and marketing new product ideas had not diminished, so once again it was time to change course.
One morning while enjoying coffee with his wife Irene, Peter started taking interest in the bird feeder that was right outside their breakfast room window. He observed that much of the birdseed was being deposited on the ground, so he designed a larger feed tray to fit under the smaller one to "catch" the dropped seed. The idea worked well, but a greater benefit was derived when the addition of this larger Lower Feed Tray started attracting more varieties of wild birds.
The next problem Peter observed with his conventional bird feeder was re-filling the seed—having to reach up to remove the feeder from the hook, take off the top, and place it on the ground, spilling the bird seed. There had to be a better way, so he devised a system that enabled the bird feeder to slide up and down a center pole. So when the feeder was in the down position, it exposed the opening at the top of the Feed Tube and made re-filling "effortless." To make it even easier, he added a funnel-shaped opening which eliminated spillage and waste.
Almost everyone who owns a birdfeeder knows that squirrels can be an ongoing problem, so a custom-fitted Squirrel Guard was added to prevent the critters from climbing up to the Feed Trays.
Finally, the "icing on the cake" was the addition of the heavy-duty Base. This Base, measuring 20" in diameter, was designed to keep THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER stable and straight, but also enabled placement of the bird feeder just about anywhere.
This was the evolutionary process that gave birth to THE EFFORT-LESS BIRDFEEDER. To develop and market this great new idea, ZENITH INNOVATION, LLC was formed. The ZENITH team is dedicated to creating a whole line of high-quality, innovative products that result in less work and more fun.