Our solutions for bountiful blooms and abundant yields are deeply rooted in a reverence for our Earth and those who call it home. Our family of Organocide® and AgroBioUSA Brand products offers ways to help you grow healthier and more productive plants, protect bees and other beneficial insects, and care for the environment we all share.
Organic Laboratories is one of the country’s leading producers and marketers of earth friendly pesticides and fertilizers. For the professional, Organic Laboratories has cutting edge, solutions-oriented products specifically designed for farmers, vineyards, municipalities, sports arenas, golf courses, landscapers, ornamental nurseries, and greenhouses. For home gardeners increasingly turning away from harsh chemicals for lawn care and growing food at home, we offer a line of environmentally friendly products, including organic and natural based choices, that you can feel confident using around children and pets.
Since 1996, Organic Laboratories, Inc. has been proving that environmentally friendly pesticides and fertilizers also can deliver the high performance sought by professionals as well as home gardeners. We engage in ongoing research and development to expand our capabilities and the users and industries we serve. Reflecting our environmental stewardship, our products are either: pure organic OMRI Listed, organic/synthetic blends, or Earth-friendly synthetics with low environmental impact. As more people recognize the importance of treating our planet with respect and protecting the pollinators our ecosystems depend on, we're here to supply products proven to be effective at creating long-lasting vitality, abundant yield and overall healthy plant life.

Organocide® BEE SAFE Insect Killer, when used as directed as an organic bug spray or soil drench, is safe to use around beneficial or large insects such as bees, beetles, lady bugs & adult butterflies. A natural insecticide for plants, it kills the eggs, larvae, nymphs and adult stages of over 25 soft-bodied insects including (but not limited to) aphids, hemlock wooly adelgid, citrus rust mites, leafrollers, mealy bugs, scale insects, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, and fungus gnats. The Quart Concentrate can be used as a soil drench, and is extremely effective at eliminating the life cycle of fungus gnats and mites.
ORGANOCIDE® BEE SAFE Organic 3-in-1 Garden Spray
Organocide® BEE SAFE 3-in-1 Garden Spray is an organic, 3-in-1 insecticide, fungicide and miticide. It’s effective on all stages—eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults—of small, soft-bodied insects such as aphids, as well as certain fungal diseases. Derived for organic gardening use from natural sesame and edible fish oils, when used as directed it’s safe around beneficial or large insects such as bees, beetles, ladybugs and butterflies, as well as around your home, children and pets. BEE SAFE 3-in-1 Garden Spray is heavier and more effective than other oils. Safe enough to spray at harvest time, it’s ideal for vegetables, fruits, nuts, vine crops, ornamentals, greenhouse crops, turfgrass, landscape plants, bulbs, flowers and field crops.
ORGANOCIDE Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray is an OMRI Listed Insecticide, Fungicide & Miticide. It kills the eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults, of over 25 small soft bodied insects & mites and certain fungal diseases such as powdery mildew.
• The dense oils suffocate insects by contact, so insects can’t develop a resistance.
• Leaves a micro-film on the plant which repels egg-laying females.
• Will not harm beneficial insects such as bees, lady bugs or butterflies.
• Can be sprayed at harvest time.
• Use in organic gardening on vegetables, fruits, nuts, vine crops, herbs, ornamentals, greenhouse crops, turfgrass, landscape plants, bulbs, flowers and field crops.
• People, planet and pet friendly!
The Vision of Organic Laboratories, Inc.
We believe that the future of agricultural chemicals will forever be linked to environmental responsibility and sustainability. Perhaps more importantly, we believe the same for the future of our children and families.
In the early 1990s, after two decades working in sales and product development for global agricultural chemical companies, David Keen took a look at the existing market and recognized that the future of the industry was going to be linked to environmental responsibility.
David Keen founded Organic Laboratories, Inc. in 1995. His goal was to develop products that would maximize plant healthcare and production, while minimizing the environmental impacts that were just beginning to be discovered about traditional synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Today, Organic Laboratories offers an unmatched wealth of knowledge, research and development acumen and product expertise. We are one of the leading producers and marketers of earth friendly pesticides and fertilizers. Our product line includes retail lawn and garden products for the home gardener and high-octane professional products for the agricultural/viticultural industries, commercial landscapers, ornamental nurseries and golf course and stadium turf superintendents.
Organic Laboratories is committed to leading edge science and research. Our trade secret formulas are developed in our Stuart, Florida headquarters and serve as high-performance, affordable and sustainable alternatives to synthetic agricultural chemicals. We stand by our products and validate them through independent third party research, expecting them all to have results as good or better as the harsh synthetics they replace.