Delta Industries
Always Innovating
Delta Industries has been America's largest supplier of reusable trigger sprayers since 1962. We created the market for them when no one knew what a trigger sprayer was, and we have continually improved them. We have millions of sprayers in stock at all times, ready to ship when you need them. We specialize in bulk sprayers and dispensers for both large and small fillers and OEM's. We offer an extensive line of bottles and trigger sprayers for the Industrial & Janitorial, Automotive, Food Service, Lawn & Garden, Mass Market and Retail Specialty trades, as well as for numerous unique and special applications.

Delta Industries is breaking new ground by releasing a trigger sprayer with the ability to atomize oils completely free of any aerosols. Delta’s newly developed Evo Trigger Sprayer utilizes pre compression technology with proprietary design components to dispense a wide range of products from cooking oils to automotive oils. This advanced trigger sprayer results in never before available aerosol free atomization of viscous products. The Evo provides a metered dose that allows portion control and consistency. The rotating nozzle allows the Evo to spray in both a straight lined vertical or horizontal pattern that covers a large area.
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