Hydraulic Growth Mediums.
For over 40 years, Fibramulch has been providing superior erosion control products and service to contractors, landscapers, engineers, government agencies and developers across Canada. We are a proud distributor of the FINN line of HydroSeeders, Straw Blowers, Bark Blowers and the new MTS (Material Transfer System). In addition we also have used equipment available.
We are dedicated to maintaining our leadership role through constant research to ensure that our customers are kept on the leading edge of product development. We are your "One-Stop-Shop" for all your erosion control, sediment control, slope stabilization, dust and landfill solutions. We partner with the innovators and leaders of the industry, offering products that are the first to market. We offer a broad array of products including hydraulic mulches, Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM), Fiber Reinforced Matrix, Hydraulic Growth Mediums, erosion control blankets, sediment control devices, fertilizers, seed mixtures, soil additives and tackifiers.

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