Our goal is simple... To help you grow your best Tall Fescue lawn!
A lawn is only as good as the seed used to grow it. That's why The Rebels Brand is dedicated to providing you with the best Tall Fescue products and lawn care information we can. The Rebels launched the first Turf Type Tall Fescue grass seed in 1979, revolutionizing the grass seed market. Tall Fescue was originally used as a forage-type grass for pastures, grazing and hay crops. After years of research, The Rebels first variety was genetically improved to be finer bladed and more dwarf which made it ideal for lawns because it creates a durable, beautiful turf that is drought tolerant.
Over the years, The Rebels has continued to improve the grass cultivars used in its product by making the grass darker green, finer bladed and more turf type in appearance. The current product is the tenth generation of Turf Type Tall Fescue, making it The Rebels best product ever.
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