Trees R Us
"Growers of fine quality, cold hardy, shade, flowering and conifer trees".
Trees R Us is located in the panhandle of Northern Idaho and is owned and operated by Tad and Sheila Hansen. We are currently growing trees on 120+ acres. We have been growing shade, flowering and coniferous trees since 1986.
Our main objective is to have the best possible trees for sale. We pride ourselves on the quality of our trees. We will do whatever it takes to grow the best tree possible. In the growing of the trees we go above and beyond making sure the trees are planted at the right depth, properly fertilized, watered, staked, and maintained for pests and diseases. We are meticulous in our pruning as each tree is looked at several times during each growing season and once again in the winter when you can really see the scaffold of each tree.When we dig our trees we put the best package together possible. We use state of the art tree spades and our experienced digging crew have dug well over 100,000 balled and burlapped trees to date.
When we ship we take all efforts to get the trees to you at the best freight rate possible. We are experts at loading trucks good and full so you get the most for your freight dollar. If you are interested in touring our farm we would be happy to meet and visit with you.Give us a call for your Spring and Fall needs.

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