DeWilde's Wholesale Nurseries
We specialize in growing high quality landscaping plant material.
The deWilde's Nursery, located in the upper northwest corner of Washington state, is a family owned and operated wholesale nursery grower with 60+ years of field grown experience.The nursery was founded by Emil deWilde in 1949. His son Ed joined the farm in 1979. It is truly a team effort at our nursery and we value the hard work all members contribute.

We specialize in growing high quality landscaping plant material. Consisting of Shade and Flowering Trees, Conifers, Ornamental Shrubs, and Ground Covers. Our specialty is landscape ready trees up to 4” caliper and conifers up to 12’. The 260 acres that we work has allowed us to refine our growing practices of pruning and staking to produce high quality plant material, while still selling at a very competitive price. Our potted nursery material is grown pot in pot, balled & burlap and pots. We can offer large container plants to our customers, including deciduous trees. The nursery propagates 95% of is production. We use soft and hardwood cuttings, field grafting and field budding methods.
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