Adams (Oldcastle)

Masonry Technology and Design Since 1946  
Oldcastle APG provides you with the largest assortment of concrete products in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. From award winning beauty to structural integrity that withstands the test of time, no one can give you concrete solutions like Oldcastle APG.

Oldcastle Adams Products is the recognized leader in concrete masonry technology and design. Since 1946 Adams has maintained the confidence of builders, architects and consumers for their innovative technology, high quality products, superior knowledge, committed customer service, and on-time deliveries. Whether your building needs require architectural elegance or the security of Adams' UL certified two hour fire-resistant Redline block, Adams can provide you with the largest assortment of concrete products in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. If you're not sure what your needs are, Adams' highly trained sales representatives and consultants are fully qualified to help you make the right choice. From award winning beauty to structural integrity that withstands the test of time, no one can give you concrete solutions like Adams.

Address:   600 Cardiff Valley Rd. Rockwood, TN 37854
Contact:   Chad Payton
Phone:  (865) 354-6660   FAX:  (865) 354-6661


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