Bill Lyon, the President of Plant-TecH2O, graduated Cornell University School of Horticulture. His final thesis was “ The Future of Plant Care and Handling” at which time, he devised the Portable Irrigator. He has been granted 3 U.S. Patents for Watering Devices.
The first WaterBoy was commercially available in 1980s. These professional Watering Systems have been time tested, are the Safest, Best Equipped Watering Machines on the Market, with, the Most Specialized Customer Service due to our comprehensive network of Knowledgeable Industry Specific Distributors. An independent study clearly shows that the WaterBoy Watering Machines save up to 66% in labor costs, over hand watering. What once took 1 hour of messy, labor-intensive hand watering, now takes a neat, ergonomic, ultra-efficient 20 minutes. That equates to a ROI in around 3 months, in Labor Savings Alone!

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