Lawyer Nursery
Our Strength is in our Roots
Lawyer Nursery Inc has been serving the wholesale nursery professional for more than 50 years. The bareroot trees and shrubs, from our wholesale nursery fields and the greenhouse-grown plugs have their roots visible for inspection. See how Lawyer Nursery's roots can help you achieve your goals!

Growing a broad selection of bareroot plants with nurseries in Plains, MT & Olympia, WA. Seeds of woody plants. Trees, shrubs, vines & groundcovers, native plants, fruit & nut trees, cane berries, rootstocks, Christmas trees, liners, seedlings & transplants, windbreaks, wildlife habitat, reforestation, bank stabilization, field buffer strips, water reclamation, rain gardens, shelterbelts, hardwood trees, plugs & contract growing available. Rare and unusual plants.
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