2plant International

Lily Looks, Perennials and More... 2Plant International
We at 2Plant work hard to offer you a great balanced program of the newest plant introductions and the best old standards, at the best quality possible. -Lily Looks: We are excited to be one of two distributors for Lily Looks, the newest line of lilies for pots. Lily Looks produces top quality potted plants any time of the year. -Growing Colors Perennial Program: We offer you different sizes of perennial plugs and bare roots. We also have an extensive line of the newest and most unique varieties.

Lily Looks --- As only one of two distibutors in North America, 2Plant is excited to introduce Lily Looks, the newest line of pot lilies. This new series produces top quality potted plants any time of the year. We store these bulbs in Rapidan, VA for the correct shipdate to fit your schedule.

Growing Colors Perennials --- Together with Gardenworld, we run the Growing Colors program which offers a wide selection of Jumbo 3" plugs and Field Grown Clumps. All product is ready to plant and should finish within 5 to 8 weeks.

Skagit Gardens --- We are able to bring you Skagit SuperStarts!? which includes the finest selections of perennials, annuals, and asters. Ranging in size from 288- to 32-cell liners, Skagit rooted cuttings are ideal for your specific production schedule. They start your plants by seed, cuttings, root division or tissue culture, and offer a large selection of standard and new varieties.

Address:     90 Grace Dr. Powell, OH 43065
Email:    info@2plant.net
Contact:     Pieter van der Lans
Phone:    614-565-8808    FAX:  888-774-4282


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