Solar Light Company
Precision Light Sources, Light Measurement Instrumentation, UV Transmittance Analyzers .
Solarmeter® by Solar Light Company, LLC ensures healthy plant growth. The Solarmeter® handheld meters are simple, point-and-click NIST-traceable devices that measure both indoor and outdoor light sources in the 400 – 700 nm wavelength range. Model 9.4G Blue Light GrowMeter is used to monitor blue light intensity necessary to produce strong, healthy stems and leaves. Model 9.6G Red Light GrowMeter monitors the red light intensity that produces beautiful flowers and delicious fruit. Solar Light Company, LLC also offers Model PMA2132 Digital Quantum Light Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Sensor for accurate measurements in greenhouses, growth chambers and open environments. Full data logging capabilities and alarm set-points are available for up to 2-channels.
Solar Light Company, LLC has been providing research professionals with laboratory-grade solutions for the advancement of light sciences ever since we invented the world’s first Solar Simulator in 1967. The company is recognized worldwide as America’s premier manufacturer of Precision Light Sources, Light Measurement Instrumentation, UV Transmittance Analyzers, Meteorological Instrumentation, OEM Instrumentation, and over 135 different types of Sensors. We also provide a wide array of services, including accelerated UV materials testing, NIST-traceable spectroradiometric analyses, reflectance and spectral transmittance testing, and calibrations for light meters and light sources.

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