Providing Integrated Waste Solutions.
Plastic sheeting is a heavy-duty coverall that can be used as a moisture and vapor barrier, insulation and a paint drop cloth for floors. Poly-America produces several product lines, all within the polyethylene family. The group of companies comprises the world's largest producer of polyethylene construction film and the highest quality trash bag manufacturer in the United States. Poly-America is also the most technologically advanced and largest recycler and compounder of polyethylene in the world.

Founded in 1976, Poly-America is part of a group of privately-held corporations headquartered in Grand Prairie, Texas, in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Poly-America has several subsidiaries and divisions. Carolina Poly is located in Chester, South Carolina and services the East Coast. Poly-West, a plant in Henderson, Nevada, services the West Coast. Up North Plastics, Inc., a fourth manufacturing site, is located in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Additionally, we operate Pol-Tex, a reprocessing and scrap service center, out of Mont Belvieu, Texas.